Journal of Russian and East European Psychology

Journal of Russian and East European Psychology

Престижный «Журнал Российской и Восточно-Европейской Психологии» /Journal of Russian and East European Psychology/ выпустил в ноябре-декабре 2012 года номер, полностью сформированный из статей Александра Лобка и комментариев к ним видных западных ученых.
Ниже предлагаем предисловие к номеру, написанное Евгением Матусовым, профессором Делаверского университета (США)

Euge ne Matusov
Guest Editor’s Introduction

Alexander Lobok’s Probabilistic Dialogic Pedagogy

In this issue of the Journal of Russian and East European Psychology, we introduce a very bright Russian educational scholar and practitioner, Alexander Lobok. As Alexander describes in his short biography, his entrance point into his probabilistic agency-based dialogic pedagogy odyssey was his rejection of the conventional educational concept that the goal of education is to make all students arrive predictably at the curricular endpoints (i.e., curricular standards), preset in advance by the teachers and the state. In contrast, in his view, teaching and learning have to be probabilistic, not determined in advance, improvisational, dialogic, and authorial. As Alexander’s innovative educational practice and radical conceptualization show, this shift from deterministic to probabilistic education has significant consequences. In the new probablistic pedagogy, the educational focus and teaching objectives change from students’ acquisition of universal knowledge, skills, and attitudes viewed as important by the society, to the promotion of students’ personal agency in particular socially valuable practices through their participation in critical dialogue.

For more than twenty years, Alexander Lobok has been a theoretical-practitioner. He constantly theorizes his innovative pedagogical practice while trying to enact his theory of agency- and dialogue-based education in practice. His evolving theory and emerging pedagogical practice mutually inform and test each other. His overall methodology is based on Kurt Lewin’s “action research” and Lev Vygotsky’s “formative experiment.”

The articles presented in this issue reflect different years of Alexander’s writing. We have embeded our dialogue with each other into the articles. We tried to select diverse genres of his writing: his detailed capturing of and reflection on his innovative pedagogical practices, the conceptual manifesto for a new type of agency-based schooling, ethnography of his work with an educator whose educational philosophy is very different from his own, fruitful disputes with Davydov’s framework of Developmental Education and followers of Bibler’s School of the Dialogue of Cultures. Alexander’s writing reflects his deep dialogues with Bakhtin, Vygotsky, Bibler, Elkonin, Kurganov, Piaget, Hegel, and other influential scholars. My dialogues with Alexander about his texts at times reflect agreement and at times disagreement. We hope that these dialogues will help the readers to engage more deeply with Alexander Lobok’s evolving radical dialogic agency-based pedagogy, and that this will produce responses in the academic literature and new exciting pedagogical projects.

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  A.Lobok, JREEP, 2012 (463.2 KiB, 3,714 hits)